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Over the coming months and beyond, literally millions of people will need to keep working in order to support Australians. There are many obvious examples of this, such as hospitals, aged care homes and emergency services.  

What many Australians may not realise however, is that for those services to keep going, and to support everyone stuck at home, there are a myriad of other jobs that need to keep happening. Government at all three levels will need to keep working to ensure society keeps functioning. This means everything - from the local council ensuring your garbage gets collected, through to the NDIS supporting those living with a disability. Not everyone with an office job can just stop, and not everyone can do their job from home all the time.

Our health care sector and supermarkets will need deliveries every day. That means our airports and shipping ports need to keep running. Australia’s multi-billion dollar logistics sector will need to keep going, so that everything keeps flowing, from the hospitals that need their face masks, to the truck drivers that take food from farms to our supermarkets. 

As millions of people will need to keep working, thousands of offices, warehouses and factories will need to keep running. Therefore, facilities management services need to keep going. Plumbing is an essential service, and ours fits as a specialist niche within that. So we’re going to keep going, full steam ahead.

It’s our role to help people have access to clean filtered drinking water. Plus, as a bonus, as we also service boiling and sparkling water taps. So, you’ll still be able to make drinks like coffee and tea at work, which will help take the edge off the situation a little, particularly given that many cafés and restaurants will not bother offering take-away in the current shut-down environment.

Please be assured that we will be taking strict precautions to ensure that our staff are observe hygiene and social distancing protocols, and that we sanitise all system touchpoints as part of our installation or servicing schedule.

Our technicians will be sanitising their hands before and after they enter any premises. They will also be self-isolating at full pay if they or any member of their family become unwell.

AquaClear offer national supply, installation, rental and ongoing maintenance of all major brands of plumbed-in filtered drinking water systems.

Bookings or enquires: 
Call: 1300 070 007.

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