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How Safely Resume Using Your Office Water System After a Break

By Kevin Lillie


When your team returns to the office after an extended break, ensuring safe and clean drinking water should be a top priority. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure your office water system is ready for use.

Why It’s Important

Office water systems are designed for regular use. When left idle for weeks or months, stagnant water in the tank and filters can lead to bacteria buildup. Proper maintenance ensures the health and safety of your team while keeping your system running efficiently.

Steps To Take Before Staff Return

Check Your Filter’s Age

office water system

If your filter hasn’t been replaced in 12 months or more:

  • Tape off the system and mark it as out of order.
  • Shut off the water supply immediately.
  • Schedule a professional service from AquaClear before staff return.

If your filter is less than 12 months old:

If the system has been flushed weekly during the break, it’s likely safe to use.

If not, shut off the water and book a service to replace the filter and flush the system.

Flush The System

For office systems used occasionally during the break and with a filter change within the past 6 months:

  • Run the filtered chilled tap and then the filtered hot tap for 2 minutes each.
  • This clears stagnant water from the tank and filter, reducing the risk of bacteria.

Schedule Regular Flushes During Breaks

During periods of low usage, such as holidays or construction closures:

  • Perform a weekly flush of the system.
  • This prevents water from becoming stagnant and extends the time between full services.

Plan Ahead To Avoid Delays

When offices reopen, especially during hot weather, there’s high demand for cold, filtered water. However, with many businesses returning at once, booking delays for servicing are common.

  • Book early: Even if your office isn’t reopening for months, schedule a service in advance to secure your spot.
  • Regional areas: Offices outside major cities may face even longer delays, so plan well ahead.

Key Facts About Commercial Water Systems

  1. Stagnant Water Risks:

If water sits idle in the tank or filter, sediment and bacteria can accumulate. A professional service from AquaClear is the safest solution, including filter replacement and a thorough tank flush.

  1. Office Water Systems Aren’t Designed For Long Downtime:

  • Brands like Zip and Billi design their systems for regular use. Extended periods of inactivity increase the risk of bacteria growth in stagnant water.

  1. Filter Replacement Guidelines:

  • Filters should be replaced every 6 months in typical commercial settings.
  • For systems with lighter usage but regular flushing, filters can last up to 12 months.
  • Filters must be replaced after 12 months, regardless of usage, or the water system should be shut off until serviced.

Don’t Wait—Book Your Service Today

Avoid disruptions and ensure clean, safe water by scheduling your service ahead of time. We take bookings several months ahead of time to help businesses prepare for their return to the office. It’s better to book early and adjust the date if needed. Get a free quote and schedule your booking today.

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