While we have some of the highest quality tap water in the world, many Australians choose to drink water from plastic bottles. However, the seemingly innocuous act of discarding a plastic bottle has significant impacts on the environment. Billions of items of plastic waste are polluting our oceans, lakes, and rivers, and piling up on landfills where they harm our natural ecosystems. The manufacture of plastic products is also a significant drain on natural resources, requiring giant amounts of fossil fuels to make and transport.
Addressing the plastic problem will require multiple interventions across every industry, but designers and specifiers have a significant role to play. Simply installing a filtered tap water system in your workplace can have significant environmental benefits.
Our partners at Zip Water have written a White paper on the issue. Download this paper here to learn about the negative environmental, economic and health impacts of plastic water bottles and examine trends and solutions that reduce our reliance on single-use plastic bottles across various industries.
For further information on our range of filtered and chilled, boiling and sparkling water systems please visit Aquaclear.com.au